10 people are dead and 3 critically wounded in the wake of what the FBI is calling “a hate crime and a case of racially-motivated violent extremism.” of the 13 victims, 11 were Black and two were white
The attack screamed deafeningly of a fear of white genetic annihilation. A fear the late Dr. Frances Cress Welsing An African American psychiatrist educated on for more that 45 years.(Check out her classic video below)
The ensuing unity that strengthened the communities bond maybe a bit daunting to the loathsome attacker, “Somebody put hate in that young man’s heart, and we are not a hateful community,” a woman said at the vigil.
Ironically the white supremacist, with elaborate planning and virulently racist posting; with his 180-page manifesto detailing his reasons for the attack down to detailing his decision on the store and zip code choice because of a high percentage of Black people in the community.
He could not see the futility in his actions, nor could he see the inevitable failure he now must live with. Terrorizing people who were doing nothing but loving themselves and minding the business which pays them. He attacked innocent people at a supermarket because of his own insecurities.
Gendron elaborates on his perceptions of the dwindling size of the White population and claims of ethnic and cultural replacement of Whites in the manifesto.

Queen Welsing
The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy) and the The Isis
Papers: The Keys to the Colors by Dr. Cress-Welsing explains from a scientifically researched perspective the fear that this young man was acting out of.
“I think that… even though most white people are not consciously understanding their problem in genetics, they are certainly aware that they are genetically dominated by people of color – that’s why there’s the statement that one drop of black blood makes you black. Because people of color have the genetic capacity to annihilate white people.” Dr. Frances Cress Welsing shocked the world and dismantled William Shockley’s racist and uncorroborated statements in 1974.
Dr. Welsing’s view was that a revolution for melanated people globally, would not be achieved the way colonialist had conquered over 300 years ago. The simple way to correct the damages that hate and fear have caused is through love, the natural course of nature because African, Black, Indigenous or Melanated people (however you identify) are natural lovers.
“Yes of course we are weary, and you know what, in the midst of the ashes, we shall resurrect ourselves as a community,” one speaker said during the vigil. “As people united together, we stand in harmony. I say to us, people rise up. rise up, can you say that, rise up.”
Our global community, hands down, has endured the longest trials meant to send the weak over the edge. If one is permitted by some divine perspective look past the glaring tragedies we face in an almost clock work fashion. Would be hard to miss the miracle that we still stand something primal within us that hinges on being timeless.

Buffalo Vigil
“This is unacceptable — unacceptable,” another speaker said. “They will not put fear in our community. They will not have our babies out here feeling like they can’t be safe in their own backyard. We won’t stand for it.”
It’s an innate resiliency to not give in, even in the most trying situations. We mourn, rebuild and unite in the face of adversity. As if we have become the foremost experts on rebuilding, now would be the time to learn to defend preemptively. The Buffalo shooting shines a light on the effectiveness of the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense openly carrying in the 1960’s.
“I lost three friends last night,” Betty Jean Grant former Erie County Legislature Chairwoman sorrowfully commented. “Let’s honor their memory by keeping calm. Let this community remain calm. Power comes in numbers.”

Pastor James Giles
“One thing I’d like to say about the city of Buffalo, and there is racism prevalent in the city of Buffalo but when a crisis takes place, in this city, I don’t care what it is, there is no other city in this nation that comes together like people in Buffalo,” Pastor James Giles,
Let this be a declaration to any and all white supremacist in plain sight or in hiding… you have already failed